CCDS hosted a joint conference of the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network and the US-Black Sea Nonproliferation Professionals Exchange Programme. The conference was held on 10 May at Hilton Garden Inn, Tbilisi. Attendees included nuclear, defense and security scholars, most of whom have participated in the exchange program.

The conference opened with an overview of the work carried out by the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network since its establishment some 20 months ago. The session was then followed by a discussion about CBRN security in the context of misinformation and fake news. After the discussion, conference attendees heard more about the US-Black Sea Nonproliferation Professionals Exchange Programme, including the participants’ feedback and future plans.

The next session was dedicated to international cooperation and assistance in the Black Sea region, with Georgian and US participants talking about the current cooperation programs and the importance of border and export control.

The conference was held in a hybrid format, with some presenters and participants joining in via the Zoom platform.

The joint meeting was organized by the Civil Council on Defense and Security, in partnership with the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.



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