On 11 December 2021, CCDS held a workshop on Concepts of Care in Military Service for the staff of the Georgian Ministry of Defence. Visiting speakers were Professor Eric Vermetten of the Netherlands National Post-Traumatic Centre and Caecilia Van Peski of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence.

Professor Vermetten spoke about PTSD management, explaining what PTSD is and how it is dealt with at its different stages; who is at risk of getting PTSD and what are the differences between trauma types; what is common between PTSD and moral injuries.

Further, Prof. Vermetten familiriarized the audience with the findings of the latest research on the impact of Covid-19 on PTSD. He also showed the videos of military officers and military health care employees speaking about their traumas, rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation processes.

Ms Caecilia Van Peski spoke about the concept of care as implemented in the Netherlands. She explained how PTSD or other psychological issues are identified in the current or former members of military missions and services, locally and internationally, and how these different challenges are dealt with. Ms Van Peski also elaborated on how the care system is linked with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and which SDGs are most important for the care work.

Workshop participants were asked to share their experience in PTSD and trauma management and how the SDGs were incorporated in the care system for the military in Georgia.

The workshop was organized with support from DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance.


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