Lectures about women in military service – current situation and challenges; and Georgian armed forces - professional vision and essential means of development, were conducted on 21-22 January 2021, by General Vakhtang Kapanadze, via Zoom platform. Meeting attendees included students, professors and academic staff of several universities interested in defense and security sector.

During the lectures General Kapanadze made a brief overview of the structure of military service, armed forces and history of diversification. He discussed gender wise challenges in defense and security institutions and made references to successful examples of specific countries in terms of involving more and more women in their military forces. Other than gender issues, characteristics of compulsory mlitary service and existing conditions of defense institutions were also discussed.

General Vakhtang Kapanadze shortly presented his views about needed strategic and tactic decisions for building better, stronger and safer military service in Georgia and answered several interesting questions regarding planning right model of armed forces, women in Georgian military service and biggest challenges of diversified defense and security sector in Georgia.

The lectures took place as a part of the project Diversity and Inclusion in Defense and Security Institutions, organized by the Civil Council on Defense and Security and were supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Georgia. For further details please check the attachments.


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